A Virtual Launch Pad for the Stevens Family
Hosted by Carol and Curt Stevens



There's not much public information available about me on this site. If you want to know about my employment history you can:

View My LinkedIn Account


Curt Stevens "Knowledge-Based Assistance for Handling Large, Poorly Structured Information Spaces," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Colorado at Boulder Technical Report Number CU-CS-640-93, January 1993. Read The Abstract

Note: You can email to iovine@cs.colorado.edu (Francesca Iovine) and ask her to send you a hardcopy of the thesis. Referencing the tech report number may help.

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Curt Stevens, "Automating the Creation of Information Filters," Communications of the Association of Computing Machinery, December, 1992.

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Gerhard Fischer and Curt Stevens, "Information Access in Complex, Poorly Structured Information Spaces," Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '91 Conference Proceedings, ACM, New Orleans, LA, May 1991, pp. 63.

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Gerhard Fischer and Curt Stevens, "Volunteering Information -- Enhancing the Communication Capabilities of Knowledge-Based Systems," Interact '87 Conference Proceedings, 1987 IFIP International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Stuttgart, Germany.

[currently unavailable for download, please contact iovine@cs.colorado.edu (Francesca Iovine)]


helping your startup succeed

I've been in 6 startups that are all still around. I've learned a lot about how to build strong teams, mentor engineers on differences between startups and larger enterprises, and make things happen in startup environemnts. I've started blogging about these varied experiences and the lessons I've learned along the way.


personal blog

Thoughts about project based learning, homeschooling, pet sitting and various other things in our life.

